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How to write procedures

The previous article dealt with the general structure of documents and arrangement of its component parts. It is possible to be more particular about specific types of documents and this, writing procedures, is one.
If you ask for directions to the railway station, the nearest bus stop, a hospital, or a particular hotel you might be instructed somewhat in this fashion. 'Go south on Main Street. Turn right at the next set of lights. Walk for two blocks and turn right. That will put you at the main entrance.'
If the directions given are correct and you do as instructed, you will reach your intended destination. You will have followed a given procedure and will, no doubt, be satisfied that the instruction given was clear and easy to understand. You will have done as you were told and will be happy with the result. Most people seeking direction are content to do as they're told and do not thank the teller for being anything more than frank and straightforward in the instructions given. An instruction is a directive. A procedure is a directive.
Rereading the directions given in the preceding passage, thoughtful readers will be struck by the emphasis on its 'action words'. Such readers will note too that every policy, every procedure, and 'how to' are series of directives.
If the policy manual of a corporation says, 'Provided that other qualifications are equal, it is the policy of the Corporation to give equal opportunity of employment to applicants regardless of race, creed or sex,' that's a directive - don't discriminate; if the heading on a work procedure is 'Use of portable ground fault isolator tool,' it's a directive - use this tool this way; a paper on Human Performance Evaluation is a directive - emulate what's good here; avoid the same mistakes.
This point about directives is made only to show how 'active' procedures are in fact and intent. If and when you are assigned to write a procedure, ask yourself 'What directives will this document give, directly or indirectly?' Once you distill the directives out, you know you have an 'action' document to write. So, write it with action. Verbs. Verbs. Verbs. Don't be deterred if other people's writing is dull or convoluted, either now or in the past.
Everyone emphasizes good communication these days. It's the 'in thing' so to speak, so be imaginative and simple and plain spoken and don't emulate the bad writing of the past just because it's in print. There's nothing sacred about print.
By definition, a procedure as used in business and commerce is a 'method', 'plan', 'way', 'manner', 'form', 'a way of working', 'a course of action'. In short, it describes the way work is done and is, therefore, closely related to quality assurance.
Use of the term 'quality assurance' is well established in the health care industry, nuclear power generation, aerospace, the petrochemical and defence industries. It concerns the way an organization functions and is expressed in a tangible form in a quality assurance programme. 'Procedures' form part of quality control, which is part of a quality assurance programme.
Procedures are to quality control what a management organization is to a quality assurance programme. Increasing use is being made of written procedures to make sure that process control operations and the way work is done are consistent, no matter who performs the work. There is good reason for having written procedures.


Commonsense dictates that if design changes are made in a large design organization it is necessary to make sure that everyone involved knows about them. Managers and designers must be consulted on the matters for which they are responsible. What can be agreed, accepted and carried out in a two-person operation becomes more complicated in a larger enterprise. Procedures properly followed guarantee that objective evidence exists to prove that what a worker, technologist or laboratory assistant said was done was done.
If, for example, you saw a welder weld a certain joint last week and told someone else, you might be believed and you might not. That is not evidence, but informed opinion about the time, place and occurrence of the welded joint. If, however, you produced a signed and dated record of the weld, verified with a dated signature of the welder's foreman and also signed and stamped by an inspector, you would have evidence that the weld was done.
If the welder used a certain procedure, the written evidence will be proof enough. The written record will be as good in ten years time as it is ten minutes after the event. This is what is called objective evidence. Moreover, it is known who did the weld, who verified it, and who inspected it.
Similarly, if a security guard writes an incident report, or a nurse provides a patient with specified medication, objective evidence is available. The incident and record reports that provide the evidence required in well-written programmes are defined in the relevant procedure. It is the procedure that governs what will be done and how and what records must be kept. In the same way that there are elements common to technical reports, the elements of structure are common to all well-produced procedures and are:

The cover sheet should include the procedure title, date, revision number, designation, issuing authority, distribution, author, and the signature of the person who approves the document. The revision number and date are an important feature of procedures because the procedures are subject to review and are re-written to meet changed circumstances.
Some organizations, such as hospitals, railway and nuclear maintenance departments work with published policies and procedures, which dispenses with the need for a cover sheet. They rely instead on the first sheet of the document to provide the information that would appear on the front sheet.

The same applies to the use and purpose of the contents page, as discussed. If the procedure is long one, such as one forming part of an operating manual, a contents sheet is perhaps justified. If it is a two or three-page procedure a contents page is an unnecessary frill.

It is always useful to state the purpose of the procedure; the best place for this is in the introduction.

The organization may have a stated policy on the subject of the procedure, or it may not. If a policy is in force it should be stated or referenced. Policies often require that work, forms and authorities for certain jobs are mandatory. Regulatory controls also affect the way in which certain procedures are to be carried out, so it is as well to be aware of such controls and deal with them under the heading of policy.

A statement of who is responsible for what is basic to any well-run organization. Responsibilities are best stated in point form. In its procedure for the inspection of incoming material, a valve manufacturer assigned incoming inspection to the floor inspectors.
Floor inspectors, the procedure stated, will check material received against a copy of the purchase order as to quantity, description and sign the carrier's slip only when the shipping information is correct and the shipment is free from apparent physical damage. Consign incoming goods and material to the incoming inspection area.

The range and complexity of work is so extensive that those who write procedures need to find their own suitable heading to describe the actual work process. It may be necessary to describe what preparatory work must be done for certain operations: the isolation of circuitry, the issue of written permission to work on certain equipment, the tools and materials needed, precautionary and safety measures to be taken, proving tests to be conducted, the radiation protection required, the sequence to be followed, and the drawings necessary to do the work.
If you have followed the same course as that advocated for writing a technical report, done the research and written an outline, the sub-divisions of the work process will be known to you. As a result, the actual writing will take a fraction of the time needed with inadequate preparation.

What records of the work done are needed? How many copies are required? To whom must they be sent? Summarize the records required and specify what information must be provided.

People who follow procedures often need to refer to other documents, such as regulatory controls, health and safety measures, and requirements internal to the organization. It is the job of the procedure writer to give those who do the work all possible help. A simple listing or cross-reference to other documents and instructions is therefore an important feature of a procedure.

A procedure may require sketches, drawings, manufacturers' operating manuals and other illustrative material that cannot be easily included in the body of the text. The obvious place for these is at the end of the procedure. They should, however, be listed in the procedure under the heading of 'Appendices'.


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