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The Royal Hibernian Military School (1765-1924)
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Inspector of Military Schools Gleig conducts an examination of the Royal Hibernian Military School

Editorial note: The Rev. George R. Gleig, prolific writer and ordained minister with the military establishment, wrote a biography of Wellington. For a time, he ingratiated himself with the Duke. However, when appointed Inspector of Military Schools, he overstepped his authority in the Home Command and put himself at odds with Wellington, who was at that time Commander-in-Chief of the Army.

Contrary to The Times report (see below), Gleig was Inspector of Military Schools, not the Inspector-General of Military Schools as he styled himself. Chaplain-General of the Army (1844-1879), he was appointed Inspector of Military Schools by the Secretary at War in July 1846 on the recommendation of the Bishop of London. In the letter confirming his appointment, he was instructed that ' orders could be given affecting the schools except those given by the Secretary at War.'

Gleig's duties were to inspect military schools and make recommendations. His negative reports on army education, however, 'struck consternation in the Horse Guards' (A.C.T. White in "The Story of Army Education", p55) and so angered Wellington that he ordered units to take no further part in the tests of the Inspector of Military Schools.

Wellington died in 1852, which enabled Gleig to consolidate his position in the army education establishment. Unquestionably, he influenced the course of army education and his own fortunes by writing a series of books that became standard set books for use in military schools.

The Royal Hibernian Military school The Times 11 June 1856
  The Rev. George R. Gleig late in life  
The annual examination of the pupils was held on Monday by the Rev. R. Gleig, Inspector-General of military schools. His Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant, attended by several of the members of the Viceregal household, arrived at the school at 10 o'clock, and, having been received by the officers of the establishment, was conducted to the examination hall, which was appropriately fitted up for the occasion. The masters in classes for the purpose of examination; and their fine healthy appearance and steady demeanour formed the subject of general remark. On the arrival of his Excellency and suite in the hall the band of the corps played the National Anthem. After the usual preliminaries had been gone through the examinations commenced. The Rev. Mr. Gleig questioned the pupils with much strictness on the various branches of the English and military education in which they are instructed; and the answering, which was listened to with much attention, was creditable alike to the boys and their masters. The examination having concluded, the pupils were paraded on the plateau in front of the building, and put through a variety of military evolutions, all of which the performed with the ease and dexterity of trained soldiers. The business of the day having ended, the Rev. Mr. Gleig congratulated the youthful corps on the proficiency they exhibited during the examination, and expressed a hope that they would continue to progress in their studies till they had fully acquired the education and training of soldiers of the Queen. His Excellency and suite, having partaken of luncheon, quitted the school at 5 o'clock, the band of the school playing "God Save the Queen" as the distinguished visitors departed.

Table of Contents - Royal Hibernian Military School
1769 Petition
1806 Pay and Allowances
1806 Weekly Governor's Report
1806 Time Table
1819 Charter
1819 Diet
1819 Staff Duties
1819 General Regulations
1844 Return of Religions
1849 S.S. Pemberton Orphans
1856 School Inspector Gleig
1857 China
1873 Religion
1900 Review at Phoenix Park
1918 Lost Boys
1919 Roll of Honour
1919 Recollections
1919 Lives of the Hibernians
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
1922 Last cricket match
1924 A soldier's orphan's story
1924 Last roll call
1924 Laying up the colours
1924 The final era
1937 A military misfit NEW
1969 The bicentenary reunion
1994 Capt. Harry Bloomer MBE
2001 IGS No.25 History
2004 Newsletter
2005 The last known Hibernian
2007 Sources of Hibernian documents

Delta Tech Systems Inc
  Duke of York's Royal Military School
Royal Hibernian Military School
Reminiscences of a Queen's Army  Schoolmistress
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Books and Militaria
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